Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Texas Burning

Photo by Steven Urban
Well the last week in Texas has been crazy. I am a huge animal lover and I am involved in a lot of groups on Facebook that advocate for horses (anti-slaughter) and other animals that need rescuing. When the fires broke out across Texas, a lot of these groups started cross-posting about animals in need of transport, or safe-haven from fires, and then people started posting and offering their homes and property for these animals to shelter at while these fires burned. I, of course, became sucked in and cross-posted like crazy and networked between different rescues and Facebook groups that were formed as means of supplying information to those in need and those wanting to help. I spent hours and hours online, and stayed up late many nights. It made me feel like I could contribute some help to these poor people and their animals that were so affected by these fires. I wish I could do more- if I could have I would have been out there myself picking up horses and other animals but, I don't have a trailer so that wasn't really an option. I also became an admin on a FB group called Texas Equine Emergency Response Network, which is meant to serve Texans and their horses not just during these wildfires, but any disasters, natural or otherwise that may occur.

As of right now I am putting together some of my son's surplus toys, and I am going to ask for clothing and other donations (household goods, toys) from family members who want to donate to those families who have lost everything.  I feel so heartbroken for these people, and I hope that I can help. Even if just a little.

Anyhow, I have not had any time to dedicate to my latest furniture projects. I hope to finish my niece's bed this week and who knows when I'll start on that other table, AND my girlfriend found a dresser she likes, so she will be picking that up so that we can silver leaf it. I need more limbs, and maybe more hours in the day. Not to mention it is already getting dark so early! Sigh... wish me luck!


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